Data Use Agreement Uw

Data Use Agreement Uw

Data Use Agreement (DUA) for the University of Washington (UW) is an essential legal document that governs the use and disclosure of sensitive data by researchers, staff, and other parties associated with the university. As a professional, I will provide an overview of DUA for UW and why it is critical to maintaining data security and privacy.

What is a Data Use Agreement (DUA)?

A data use agreement is a legal agreement that outlines the rules and regulations that govern the use and disclosure of sensitive data. The DUA sets out the terms and conditions that must be followed by all parties involved in the processing, storing, and transmitting of sensitive data. It is a legally binding document that protects the privacy and security of these sensitive data.

Why is DUA important at UW?

UW is a leading research university that conducts a wide range of studies using sensitive data. This data can include personally identifiable information, personal health information, or other confidential information that must be kept private and secure. The DUA is critical to protecting this sensitive data by outlining the rules and regulations governing its use and disclosure.

Who Needs to Sign the DUA?

Any parties involved in handling sensitive data at UW must sign the DUA. This includes researchers, staff, students, contractors, and other parties associated with the university. The DUA is mandatory and must be signed before any sensitive data can be accessed or used. It is essential to ensuring that all parties understand their responsibilities and obligations when working with sensitive data.

What are the Key Provisions of the DUA?

The DUA for UW includes key provisions that govern the use and disclosure of sensitive data. These provisions include:

– Data use limitations: the DUA outlines the specific purposes for which sensitive data can be used and prohibits any other uses without written approval.

– Confidentiality: the DUA requires parties to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive data by implementing appropriate security measures, such as encryption and access controls.

– Data retention and destruction: the DUA governs the retention and destruction of sensitive data and requires its destruction after the data is no longer needed.

– Data sharing: the DUA outlines the rules and regulations governing the sharing of sensitive data with third parties.

– Breach notification: the DUA requires parties to notify relevant parties, including the university, in case of any unauthorized access, disclosure, or theft of sensitive data.


The DUA is an essential legal document that governs the use and disclosure of sensitive data at the University of Washington. It is mandatory for all parties involved in handling sensitive data at the university and outlines the rules and regulations that must be followed to protect these data. As a professional, I urge all parties to take the DUA seriously and ensure its compliance to maintain the privacy and security of sensitive data.

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